Wednesday, November 19, 2014


Wish I knew what I was doing when I fall in love with you
The calendar in my heart each day is marked to be with you
A stone through they say it takes to find true love
Like touching heaven with the palm of my hand when stretched above
How possible two heart can be as one I can't figure out
But the heart paused whenever I kissed and hold you in my arms stretched
Though time got a way of keeping us apart
Still I hug you through a memory frame in my heart
I fell so deep in love with you that it sinks my whole being
Day and night I want to forever hold you
Till all our dreams come true
I bear a heart of an ocean with ships sailing to rescue you
Take you to an island made for two where I will always be with you

Copy Right @ Akan Udofia E.


Of a billion stars, you made my world beautiful
The roses in my heart flourish every day because of you
Your smile lights a bonfire so huge it consumes my heart
Your love covers the sky and touches the whole earth
From out of a million diamonds, God must have created you
Heaven is filled with so much joy as the world stares at you
For you are one-of-a-kind, an angel so divine
Because of you my heart has found a bosom to recline
Heart filled with care, kindness, comfort and companionship
I will forever cherish you, for my feelings I can't hold a grip
Thank you for reminding me that someone out there cares about me
And for bringing out the best in me

Copy Right @ Akan Udofia E.

Saturday, November 15, 2014


By the river Niger Bridge we crossed path
Ever since my heart is waiting by the bridge to berth
My emotions are fragile and cold under the moon
But the stars lend me a smile to keep warm while looking out for you
Distance wouldn't be a problem sharing my love with you
I stared at the birds, like you, they are so beautiful
As the cloud walks by, I wish she leaves me a footpath or a clue
I would travel from east to west everyday for you
Till a kiss from you reassures my heart my dreams will come through

Copyright @ Akan Udofia E. 2014

follow Akan Udofia @;
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Hit the road and don't hurt me no more
You stole away my joy and hurt my pride
Every night you made me cry and really sad
I fell in love with you because I really care
I loved you still when you were never there
I walked through a thousand rains for you
All my feelings, I gave up all to loving you
Time and space don't make any difference
It never a second changed my emotions
I think it's time we walk on separate path
In my life, I no longer want you to be a part
I just can't trend a fruitless journey anymore
Please, hit the road and don't bother me no more

Copyright @ Akan Udofia E.

follow Akan Udofia @;
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Thursday, November 6, 2014


Life got a way of getting the best of man
Life isn't greedy but playing a role
Life don't keep grudges or hate
Life never takes cognizance of wrong
Life made choices for a man to be strong
You may have court her once in time
To achieve success that's worth while
But she isn't here to play games
Buckle up and get the mind set and ready
To achieve the best of what life got to offer
A fool takes her patience for granted
No way can one have a good life cast without a smile
It may rain and the night stormy
A new day does deserved one a new life
Void of the wrong choices already made
Take a bow, for life is filled with memorable days

Copy Right @ Akan Udofia E.


I found a love undefined
Unbiased but kind
It appreciates the world
And never believe in wrong
It keeps the heart strong
It gives a depressed heart hope
It lifts the spirit to fly so high
It's unique and peaceful as the sky
It's not affected by weather
It doesn't lapse in time for ever
I have found the greatest love
Living inside of me

© Akan Udofia E.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


I could feel her sadness deep within
Like we both share the same memories
Water flowing down the river to the stream
Forged with a heart subtle and meek
As it Journeyed away on the night train
Like a tree trimmed of it branches
The night could only stare at her feelings stolen
Harmattan is near, tears she couldn't shed
Mournful but a privilege of sober reflection
She couldn't help but despise the world
For letting her alone to wade her grief
Of unloved and a compromised trust
I hope the night don’t stay forever sad
Stars with gratitude’s will lend her a smile
So her heart at dawn wouldn't be solemn

Copy Right @ Akan Udofia E.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


Wish I could chase the world
Catch up with things I could never had
Imagine if I could walk ahead of time 
I would change my past before it started

© Akan Udofia E.