Friday, October 2, 2020


Under the sky

The world is dying

As many dreams seem unreal

What you strive is conceivable

Do not let time rob you

From the things you desire in life

The chaos in the world is disturbing

But hope brings joy to a sedate mind

The sun may tell it is already daylight

That time may not be reverse

Yeah, every day is a battle

To succeed, there has to be a sacrifice

Love may be an alien

Despise not for vengeance 

Be truthful, tolerant, polite at heart

One honest act can save a million lives 

No one knows the difference

Of the mind spent in denial

It is okay to start afresh 

Despite not catching up with lost times

If you must attain greatness

The heart and mind has to be one

No contrition, no conservative thoughts

Regardless of the magnitude of setbacks

There are no lines between right and wrong

But a man with a predetermined mind

True happiness can't be based on achievement 

But from the threshold of a man with a positive attitude

All Right Reserved ©Akan Udofia 2020

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