Blog about Art, Poetry and Prose

Blog about Art, Poetry and Prose

Monday, November 11, 2013


Thank you lord
For the womb that carried me
For the breasts that fed me
For the hands that cared for me

Thank you lord
For my infant days
Despite all the ailments and diseases
I came to no harms
Despite all the falls, injuries and infections
I never lost my life

Thanks you lord
For my boyhood
For in all my endeavors, you were with me
For the hands that scolded me
For if the rod had been spared
What would I have become of me?

Thank you lord
For how you’ve gradually made a man out of me
For the good and bad times in my life
For the many things which your love taught me
And his still teaching me

All Rights Reserved (c) Akan E. Udofia 2013

Sunday, November 10, 2013


Atmosphere Changes With Me
My Clouded Heart Calm
Wind Blows On Every Side
Droplets Then Raining Love
Like Water Flows To All Extremes
All Thoughts Cover With Your Love
As It Filled My Lonely Heart
Your Love Gave My Heart All The Nutrients It Need
As It Rains All Over Me
Like Rain It Kept A Trace
You Have Moistened The Soil In My Heart
And Hope The Seed Of Love In Me
I Know Your Love Will Keep Raining In Me
And Flourish The Seed Into A Plant


I glimpse at the night from my window 
The whole place pale wind moving slow
As the night blows away
Like our pains, sorrows they would not come to stay
Every mind looks calm, but sleeping with problems within
The mind is feeble, relaxed and celestial
Man journeys where he does not know it destined
Conscious that the next day fast approaches
The weak holding on to their crouches
Valiant ready to mount their shields again
For battles left the previous day in constrain
Like chaff, memories pervades afar
Struggling in a country with nothing to offer
Praying someday for a good life to reside
Merry and relaxed all stress aside
Restless until each cups is filled
And all wickedness killed
How I wish the night will come to stay
And our sorrows blown away

All Rights Reserved © Akan Udofia