Blog about Art, Poetry and Prose

Blog about Art, Poetry and Prose

Tuesday, November 17, 2015


It is my pleasure, ADUBI LITERARY CAVE to present EDUN POETRY PRODUCTIONS for our 2015 Poetry festival series which is the best, without its kind.

We are mainly on the stance of promoting literature and this has being our focus from the birth of our literary organization. We deem it fit to have a worldwide poetry festival which is going to touch deeply all the genres of literature. But this year, we tag this forthcoming event to be Poetry festival.

Call and come to listen to literary paper and lecture deliveries which touch the women in poetry, and societal issues.

We use this medium to call on Organizations, firms, financial institutions, boards and individual to contact us for booking for space. and time for exhibitions, oral Poetry performance in both English and indigenous languages, didactic music, and other literary related packages. We are expecting your calls and mails from any part of this universe.

Date : 19th December 2015
Venue: 19 Adekunle Fajuyi way, Eniobanke Music center Ikeja Lagos.
Time: 9:00 a.m
Ask Adubi Literary Cave on 

for more enquiry.

Saturday, November 14, 2015


On the news is billion of naira missing
Suffering and death in the north 
Everyday an innocent child is dying 
Teachers on strike, workers unsatisfied 

Children hawking on the street day and night
Solders suppressing the weak, police immoral
Lawyers and judges, callous and greedy
No social amenities to uplift the society 

Accusing fingers pointed to the masses
Infrastructures dead, roads dead, no electricity
The government sit on millions to deliberate our fate
Mock our trust, loyalty to selfishness trade

They tell us lies upon lies and broke our pride
Stole away our dignity and left the heart to fry
Yet the government betray the masses for asking why
 We live in a country with a broken democracy

 All Rights Reserved (c) Akan E. Udofia 2015


As the world's coming to the end of her days
Heaven weep upon God's efforts to savage man
The cloud heavily burdened by the sins of man
As man seeks refuge in the gates of hell 

Angels walk amidst the day restoring God's will for mankind
Yet the world is dissatisfied, drowning in ecstasy of selfishness and greed
Pleasured in destruction and content in lust
Worshiping in vanity of an unjust life

Time is too short to sleep
The night's waxing away gradually in the heart
Life bear no love, no faith, no hope, for all will be gone
And everyman judged, out of the content in his heart

 All Rights Reserved (c) Akan E. Udofia 2015