Blog about Art, Poetry and Prose

Blog about Art, Poetry and Prose

Sunday, February 17, 2019


In the beginning, God created heaven and the earth
The earth was without form and void, darkness upon her deep
Upon the face of the water, His spirit walked
God said let there be light and there was light
The evening and the morning is the first day

He made two lights to shine upon the world
One by the day another by the night
God made the firmament, the water He divided
The firmament is heaven, He called
The evening and the morning is the second day

In one place the water under heaven gathered
There sprung up grass and trees on dry land
The water became the sea, the dry land earth
God made the earth yield fruits after his kind
The evening and the morning is the third day

Under the firmament of heaven, God made the light
To distinguish the day from the night
By the day, He made the sun the greater light
The lesser light, the moon He made by the night
The evening and the morning is the fourth day

God created great whales and every living creature that moveth
In the water came fishes of every kind
Birds were created and blessed to multiply the earth
The world is beautiful and good in the sight of God
The evening and the morning is the fifth day

On the sixth day, the earth bringeth forth
Cattle and creeping thing, living creature after his kind
God created man in His image
Man became a living soul, gave man life and breath
Gave man and woman dominion over the earth

God blessed the seventh day and satisfy it
The greatness of all the work which He had made
These mark the generations of heaven and the earth
God rested on the seventh day
Which is called the sabbath day

All Rights Reserved © Akan Udofia 2016
"Genesis 1:1-31"

Thursday, February 14, 2019


Have I told you about Esther?
Her beauty is like a bunch of roses
There is this uneasiness of love
That torments me when am around her

I lose self-control of my feelings
Acting like a child when she is in my arms
When she smiles, it melts my heart away
She is a perfect match from heaven

The day she walks in the door
I knew she is the one 
I have been searching for
To be my queen


All Rights Reserved © Akan Udofia 2019


Strange feelings creeped in
And devour my heart
It got slayed by your love
And could never be free

Forgive me darling
It is because of you I have a scar
I could never get used loving
Someone special as to you

You are my perfect crush
Turned my dream into reality
My emotion flying ever since
The cloud could not contain it

You and I is all that I wished for
Never to leave each other's arm
My feelings for you will never die
I will love you forever in a life time

All Rights Reserved © Akan Udofia 2019