Blog about Art, Poetry and Prose

Blog about Art, Poetry and Prose

Friday, December 5, 2014


Is different people, different color
Everyone with different dreams
Different problems and challenges
Different thoughts and expectations
Different feelings, hope and inspiration
Different journey towards different destination
Different goals and purpose to achieve
Different tribe, culture and believe
Living together in the same world
Created by the hands of God                   

Copyright Akan E. Udofia


The world turned her back on me
Left me no conscience to seek
All my life I took her for a friend
Fighting a war one day thought will end
Lost all companionship, memories all gone
The street resentful, sadness the heart it overruns
All sacrifices made unpleasantly void
Hope expensive and very rare to afford
How can the world be so cruel and betrayed me?
Now she seek forgiveness away from me
Yet I have got nothing to live or die for
Forgive me; I can't love the world anymore
It's no use; everything I once loved is gone
On this journey of life, I can no longer find the sun

Copyright Akan E. Udofia

Wednesday, November 19, 2014


Wish I knew what I was doing when I fall in love with you
The calendar in my heart each day is marked to be with you
A stone through they say it takes to find true love
Like touching heaven with the palm of my hand when stretched above
How possible two heart can be as one I can't figure out
But the heart paused whenever I kissed and hold you in my arms stretched
Though time got a way of keeping us apart
Still I hug you through a memory frame in my heart
I fell so deep in love with you that it sinks my whole being
Day and night I want to forever hold you
Till all our dreams come true
I bear a heart of an ocean with ships sailing to rescue you
Take you to an island made for two where I will always be with you

Copy Right @ Akan Udofia E.