Blog about Art, Poetry and Prose

Blog about Art, Poetry and Prose

Wednesday, December 31, 2014


Waiting patiently for the church bell to ring
The heart is purged with burdens within
Its been years I made my last confession
The world around me is flooded with commotion
I couldn't plant a seed and watch it grow
I couldn't keep sin away from my soul

I need spend the whole night praying
For the sun to shine back in my life from dieing
Its beautiful being among people with so much passion
Appreciating God with beautiful songs and hymns in reception
There is white a painting on the walls in  my life
Everyday the world is filled with dreams fighting to survive

But no clouds to shade away the storms from one's life
On the pulpit struggles and challenges I will leave
And walk away back home a renewed man relief
With joy, God's love and nothing else to grieve
Ease the love forgotten due to pains, neglects and strife
So trees can grow again leaving within the heart a renewed life

Someday on the altar I am going to sing
Praises to His name and render a new song
For He made the world find peace amidst the storm
He alone can call a condemned and dieing heart back home
And can chased out the nightmares from our day
For if man is lost, through His son Jesus Christ will find a way

Copyright Akan E. Udofia  2014


Holy spirit comfort me
Can't make it on my own without thee
I tried to walk the way of the cross
But the world's pulling me in and am getting lost
A part of me is weak, the battle alone can't fight
Life is full of discouragement, hatred and pride
Feelings are broken, betrayed, lost and forsaken
Only through you can a soul begotten
Out of the problems in the world, I am only safe in your hands
Lives are destroyed everyday, the world's filled with crimes
Today, visit me physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually
All the negative yearning in my heart, please take them away from me
Let your wings and shadows be upon me
Come into my life and it be blessed
Until I journey to heaven and have eternal rest
Holy spirit, I pray today, comfort me
Let thy will of the lord in my heart run free

Copyright Akan E. Udofia  2014


Lord lift me up above the sun
My glory higher than the sky would run
Father you made the sea to overflow
In darkness, only you can make the heart glow
Make me a vessel relevant to the world
Take me higher where the law of man is void
Pour me spirit full, my vision unimaginable
To win back hearts wandering and lost to worship you
Fill the clouds and let it rain blessings in every life
For many souls lost, forsaken and broken, please revive
Just as you had opened my eyes to see the light
Touch souls and bring them home is my plight
For above the sun I laid my sight
To live in a world filled with love so bright

Copyright Akan E. Udofia