Blog about Art, Poetry and Prose

Blog about Art, Poetry and Prose

Tuesday, October 11, 2016


You walk around
Like an angel who lost her path
I see a pretty girl looking sad
Can't help that I am drawn to you

Allow me to keep you company
It's going to be dark soon
Can I walk you home?
Where ever you wish to go

My heart I give to you
To keep warm your feelings
Never want the night stranded
Permit me to stay by your side

All Rights Reserved © Akan E. Udofia 2016 


I woke up in the middle of the night
Little children kidnapped
I saw the whole world crashing before me
Famine and starvation in Maiduguri

Homes shattered, families devastated in Florida
Corruption eating away Africa
Suicide bombing ravaging the street
Girl child rapped and murdered

This is too much to bear within me
I tried to sleep but the night is scary
How can I when the world is falling apart
A world a mother and child can't be protected 

I cried many tears and pray
For the storm to go away
Fertile land for our homes and community
Human forgiven of infirmity

If only man can put his differences aside
Embrace each other with an open heart
The sins of man is leading to condemnation
Will you join me say a prayer of redemption?

All Rights Reserved © Akan E. Udofia 2016

Thursday, October 6, 2016


In memory of KAYODE OMOYENI... May his gentle soul rest in perfect peace

Life is hard since you are not around
You watched over me when I was a little child
Taught me to stand upright for myself
When in doubt, your presence gives me confidence

It is sad and abrupt you are no longer with us
Brought into our lives beautiful untradeable memories
The tears we shed can’t be wiped away
The pain of losing you is too much to take

On that sunny day when this life will be over
We are going to be with you side by side forever
I know you are in heaven praying God to watch over us
Until the day we meet again in paradise

You were a father, a role model and most importantly a friend
The stars be bright when ever I think of you dad
We were a good team, you and I
I will stay strong for you until the day I die

I am sorry there was nothing I could do on that cloudy day
To stop the sun in your life from walking away
But I promise to you this day
Your legacy lives in our hearts each and every day

I pray God to give us the strength
In His words through storm and rainy day, be steadfast
The strength to hold on to your believe in Him
So I asked God to save the best rooms in heaven’s inn

Every thing I have, I would give up to my last breath
For you in my arms once again hold
Life will never be the same without you
Can’t stop crying, for I will be missing you

For: Omoyeni Esther