Every day I get down on my knees to pray
I asked God to watch over you each day
You are the reason I wake up in the morning with a smile
I see you in my dreams whenever I look at the sky
You may not know how much it means to care
The fondness of your heart sprinkles everywhere
In my own little way I cannot pay back
Every sacrifice to our friendship you have made
You are like a tree planted by the river
Your countenance blossom seasons over
Without you I am nobody on my own
All I thought have achieved would have long gone
While you are reading this words
Know that I am lucky we crossed paths
We might not be the best of friends
But you are someone I can turn to always
Never stopped from being the best of you
Because of you someone’s life is beautiful
If this wasn’t as good as true
It would be a waste of time telling you
All Rights reserved © Akan E. Udofia 2017