Blog about Art, Poetry and Prose

Blog about Art, Poetry and Prose

Saturday, May 21, 2016


The world blames me that I am gay
Yet man can't appreciate or treat a woman right
I made a choice who I want to be
You got a girl pregnant, rejects her and abandoned her child
Now you want to start judging me

You say I've got no ambition
Yet you fell in love with liquor
Night and day you are on the street
You claim you're sober in pain, misery and frustration
Not lucid enough to take a decision

You say I am a sinner because I don't go to church
You worship God day in and day out
But could never forgive a brother
Who hurts you before you dare became a saint
Can't look him in the eyes, in your heart is hate

The world wants to castigate me, a murderer
Yet government abandons little children dying on the street
Many are homeless, sick and hungry
You are living in comfort, stole the people's treasury
And accused me I don't have a heart

You called me a prostitute wilting her life away
Yet you're sleeping with a man out of wedlock
At least I am not hiding behind the curtain
While you dress in white linen unclean underneath
What's your excuse for dragging my name on the mud?

Before you nail a brother's heart to a stick
First cast a stone on your self
To understand how much it hurts to bleed
No man is perfect, everyone is guilty of something
Do yourself a favor and practice what you preach

All Rights Reserved © Akan E. Udofia 2016

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